How to Create Tech Video on OpenAI Sora?

How to Create Tech Video on OpenAI Sora? OpenAI Sora is an AI-powered video creation tool that allows you to generate high-quality videos from simple text prompts. Launched in 2024, Sora utilizes powerful deep learning models to understand text and automatically generate video footage.

In just a few words, you can create videos with complex scene compositions, camera movements, character animation, and more. Sora makes video creation accessible even if you don’t have professional video editing skills or access to studios and equipment.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know to start using Sora to produce your own AI-generated tech videos.

Overview of Sora’s Video Creation Capabilities

Before jumping into the specifics, let’s look at some of the key things Sora can do:

  • Generate up to 60 seconds of video from a text prompt
  • Create detailed indoor/outdoor environments and scenes
  • Animate multiple human characters and objects
  • Apply cinematic camera movements and angles
  • Support a range of video aspect ratios
  • Output high-resolution 1080p video
  • Allow keyframe control for manually customizing parts of the video
  • Create original soundtrack and sound effects

The quality and coherence of the videos are impressive given just text input. Of course, it may take some trial and error to get your desired results.

Signing Up for Sora Access

As Sora is still in beta testing, access must be requested by signing up on the waitlist on Sora’s official website.

Once you gain access, you can sign in and will have a limited number of free video generations per month. Additional video generates require paid credits.

When you create an account, be sure to accurately describe how you intend to use Sora. Priority access is given based on use cases that demonstrate innovative applications.

Crafting the Perfect Text Prompt

The text prompt you input into Sora acts as the “script” for your video. To get great results, it helps to understand how to properly structure and phrase your prompt.

Here are some prompt writing best practices:

  • Be Specific: The more details you provide about the video content, environments, characters, style etc, the better Sora can render them. Avoid vague descriptions.
  • Present Tense: Describe the action in present tense, as if it is actively happening, to help Sora stage the scene properly.
  • shot-by-shot: Break down your video into individual shots to have more control over pacing and transitions rather than one long paragraph.
  • Adjectives: Liberally use adjectives to add details about movement, lighting, camera angles and other aspects. Easter eggs, metaphors and positional words also help.
  • Brevity: Balance being descriptive with keeping sentences concise. Lengthy sentences can confuse the AI.

Let’s look at some examples of good prompt structuring:

A time-lapse video showing the following shots:

A wide-angle shot that pans across a colorful skyline as the sun sets behind a city's towering skyscrapers. Time-lapse clouds move swiftly across a gradient orange and pink sky.

A low angle shot looking up at the tip of a futuristic-looking black glass skyscraper with blue neon light accents on its edges. The reflection of the sunset can be seen on its surface. 

A close tracking shot following a hyperloop train arriving at a station and coming to a stop. We see people exiting the train and walking inside the bright, minimalist station.

This clearly describes distinct shots with details on camera angles, lighting, and movement.

Using Keyframes for Precision Control

Sora allows you to insert keyframes in your videos for defining precise moments you want depicted a certain way.

Keyframes are like adding bookmarks that make Sora focus closely match the details described. This gives much more control than just relying on the AI to freely interpret your prompt.

Here is an example prompt using keyframes:

A tutorial video showing how to make coffee using a high-tech coffee machine. 

Shot 1: 
Wide angle shot showing a gleaming white kitchen with a woman entering and approaching the coffee machine enthusiastically.

Keyframe 1: 
Close up side view of the coffee machine. It has a sleek glass and metal exterior. The woman's hand enters the frame holding a coffee pod.

Shot 2:
Over the shoulder shot showing the woman inserting the pod into the top of the machine. Steam starts escaping showing the brewing process has started.

Keyframe 2:
Close up of the front of the machine. A graphic on the LED screen shows a progress bar of the brewing.

Shot 3: 
Front view of the woman picking up a glass coffee mug filled with fresh coffee. The mug has a mini 3D augmented reality scene of the coffee bean harvesting process being projected from its surface.

Here the keyframes ensure very specific moments are generated exactly as described, while the broader shots provide context and other details.

Choosing Video Output Settings

On Sora’s video output settings tab, you can configure resolution, aspect ratio, frame rate and image guidance options.

Some guidelines:

  • Start with 1920×1080 resolution for crisp HD video
  • Match the aspect ratio to your intended player format
  • Optimal frame rate is 24, 30 or 60 FPS. Higher is smoother.
  • Image guidance is useful for inserting a background image to match style/location

The advanced settings have many technical parameters like guidance scale,CLIP skip steps etc which are best left at default while you get used to Sora, unless you want to experiment.

Running some initial test renders will help you determine the best settings for your use case.

Evaluating and Refining the Video Results

It’s rare that your first video generation will give you the perfect results right away. Expect to go through an iterative process of watching the video Sora outputs, determining areas for improvement, then refining your text prompt to enhance the next render.

Some things to look out for:

  • How accurately does the video portray your prompt descriptions? Are key details you expect to see missing?
  • Do the transitions between shots have good flow? Or do elements/positions change abruptly?
  • Is the pace fitting for a tech tutorial or does it feel too rushed/long? Adjust number of shots.
  • Does camera movement, lighting or image quality meet standards? Increase resolution if pixelated.
  • Are characters placed naturally within environments interacting with them properly? Add positional context.
  • Is the frame composition balanced with good headroom and negative space? Describe it explicitly.

Tweak your prompt to address any less than optimal areas by adding clarifying details and descriptions.

Repeat video renders until you are satisfied with the AI interpretation. Using keyframes on stubborn areas also helps significantly direct Sora’s output.

Exporting and Sharing Your Sora Videos

Once you are happy with your generated video, you can directly export it by clicking the export button.

You can download the raw video file to your computer, as well as generate a public link or embed code to share the video elsewhere:

Raw Video File: The 1080p MP4 file can be downloaded then imported into any standard video editor like Adobe Premiere if you want to do additional post-processing.

Public Link: This creates a URL for the video that you can share with anyone. Useful for direct sharing on blogs, social media etc.

Embed Code: The embed code can be inserted into any web page to display the playable embedded video. Great for adding dynamic AI-generated videos to your website.

Sora videos can be used in a variety of applications from social media posts, to Kickstarter campaign videos, corporate internal communications, video templates for products/services, and much more.

Given that video dominates online content consumption today, Sora provides an easy way to produce videos tailored to your needs at scale.

Using Sora for Tech Tutorial Videos

Given it’s AI video generation capabilities, Sora is especially useful for easily creating detailed tutorial style videos. This provides an immense value for technology products and services.

Rather than needing to manually script and film tutorial footage, you can use Sora to automatically produce tutorials personalized exactly to your offering just from text.

Here are some best practices for leveraging Sora specifically for tech tutorials:

Outlining the Tutorial Structure

As with any tutorial, you need to break your instructions down into clear sequential steps and provide overview orientation first.

Your Sora prompt would follow this overall structure:

  • Intro shot framing the video in context of a larger tutorial series and the specific tool to be covered.
  • Wider shot presenting all equipment needed so viewers can ensure they have the right hardware. Describe aesthetics in detail.
  • Initial keyframe centering on presenter’s hands arranging components mentioned to demonstrate the setup.
  • Sequence of over-the-shoulder shots visually guiding through each operational step in order matching the exact technical process. Insert keyframes for critical function demonstrations.
  • Closing shot recapping the tutorial and teasing more advanced capabilities to be covered in the next video.

Having an intentional flow between distinct scenes makes your tutorials systematic and digestible even for complex tools.

Emphasizing Points-of-View

Unlike live action filming, Sora gives you omniscient directing powers. Take advantage of freedom over POV to focus viewer attention just where needed.

Tactically transition between wide establishing shots, close ups on essential functions, over-the shoulder vantage points, screen captures of UIs, picture-in-picture windows etc.

Guide the viewer’s gaze strategically through well-planned shot sequences rather than long static takes. The pacing should balance overview comprehension with crucial operation specifics.

Animating On-Screen Graphics

Sora can render fairly accurate graphics, overlays and other on-screen UI elements when described. Use this to recreate key software demonstrations.

For example, you can display a laptop screen recording a command line program. Describe contextual visual feedback and output results.

Show code editor windows with scrolling through file directories, typing functions, populating terminal viewports etc.

Include graphical transitions akin to video editing software manipulations. Morph logos, render 3D animations and video game gameplay relevant to your tech.

Leveraging these augmented screen depictions make tutorials highly practical and usable for your audience.

Producing Variations Efficiently

Once you refine templates for high-quality tutorials around your core products, you can easily reproduce videos for multiple derivatives and use cases.

Simply update the base prompt with different contexts as needed.

For example, tailor the phrasing to reflect “Beginner tutorial for X tool” vs “Advanced techniques for experts”. Add conditional logic handling alternate work flows.

You can generate 5-10 targeted tutorial variants from one Sora template almost instantly without any new filming. This enables easily scalable training content.

Polishing Rendered Results

As with any generative AI, Sora can sometimes misinterpret prompts with less than ideal video output. Glitchy artifacts may also occur randomly in rare cases.

Review the completed tutorial videos closely and keep refining prompts progressively to address areas for improvement instead of settling for lackluster quality that reflects poorly on your products.

Additionally, for professional grade tutorials, polish the final renders in Adobe After Effects or Premiere Pro for color correction, sound design, titles etc.

Over time and iterations, your video prompts will become incredibly fine tuned for reliably stunning tutorials that avoid any need for extensive post-processing.


That covers everything you need to know from ideas to exporting the final product for producing professional quality technology based tutorial videos leveraging Sora. Follow the best practices outlined around strategically structuring prompts, inserting precision keyframes, emphasizing points-of-view, overlaying graphics and iterating towards great results.

Sora’s AI video generation delivers orders of magnitude increased productivity. You can automatically script, film and edit tutorials personalized to your tech stack without costly equipment or production – a game changer enabling anyone create effective video content.

So stop putting it off and apply these techniques today to rapidly expand your documentation and training programs with Sora tutorials that engage your audience!


What file formats does Sora support for video output?

Sora renders MP4 video files up to 1080p resolution. You can also export the raw video data if you want to post-process the footage in external editing software.

How accurate is the video to my written prompt?

With carefully structured prompts, Sora can interpret details quite accurately. Using positional language, technical terminology, and action verbs helps. Keyframes also guide precision. But some discrepancy may occur so review closely.

Can I edit the videos after Sora generates them?

Yes, the MP4 exports can by imported into any standard video editor like Adobe Premiere Pro for post-processing. You may want to polish with color grading, titles, graphics etc.

Does Sora recreate actual branded tech products and services?

No, Sora avoids directly copying protected brands and designs. But you can describe fictional or conceptual products with similar styles and Sora will render original interpretations.

Can I use custom image guidance for backgrounds and objects?

Yes, Sora allows you to provide reference images to better match environments, gadgets, textures and lighting to your specifications.

How do I improve quality if outputs have glitches or inaccuracies?

Iteratively tweak prompts for clarity, add keyframes for precision, increase resolution quality, and remove ambiguous phrases causing incorrect rendering. Sora also improves over time.

What kind of sounds and music does Sora generate?

In addition to realistic ambient sounds fitting the scenes, Sora generates original synthetic music and sound effects. The tone aims to match the emotional tenor of prompts.

What is the cost for generating videos?

Currently Sora offers limited free generations per month during beta, after which paid credits are required. As capabilities expand, longer videos and higher resolutions will likely cost more based on resource usage.

What troubleshooting can I do for faulty video renders?

Check your internet connection stability. Use simple prompts first before complex multi-paragraph ones. Submit a bug report to OpenAI. Or retry your prompt on a fresh generation.

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