How to Use Sora OpenAI on Mobile?

Sora is an artificial intelligence (AI) system from OpenAI that can generate custom videos from text descriptions. It utilizes a deep learning model called DALL-E to create realistic images and video footage.

Sora is currently available through an API for developers. There is no mobile app launched yet by OpenAI for end users to directly use Sora. However, the Sora API allows mobile developers to integrate this video generation capability into their own apps.

In this guide, we will see how mobile developers can sign up for access to Sora and use its API to add AI-generated video creation in a mobile app.

Getting Access to the Sora API

As Sora is currently in private beta, you need to apply for access to use its API. The steps are:

Join the Waitlist

Go to the Sora webpage on OpenAI’s site and scroll down to the waitlist section. Enter your email address and click the “Join Waitlist” button.

Get Invited to the Beta

OpenAI sends out invites to people on the waitlist over time. Check your email regularly and follow the instructions if you receive an invite.

Sign up for an OpenAI Account

Accepting the invite will direct you to create an OpenAI account using your Google or Microsoft credentials. This sets up your access to the Sora dashboard and API.

Get API Keys

After logging into your OpenAI account, go to the API Keys page to view your secret API keys. Note them down as you’ll need to pass them in mobile app requests later.

Integrating Sora into a Mobile App

Once you have access and API credentials, you can start using Sora programmatically. Here are the main steps:

Set up the API Client

First, set up the Sora API client in your chosen programming language in the mobile app. For Android, you can use Java or Kotlin. For iOS, use Swift.

The client handles constructing valid API requests, attaching the headers, encoding the data, and decoding responses. Refer to OpenAI’s docs for code samples of the client.

Construct the Video Description

The main input to Sora is the text description of the video you want it to generate. The description can be a few sentences to multiple paragraphs detailing scenes, actions, characters, objects, camera motion and more.

Spend time articulating exactly what should happen in the video using clear and concise language.

Define Additional Parameters

Along with the text description, the API request body can specify additional media parameters:

  • Video length: Up to 60 seconds
  • Image size: Up to 1024×768 pixels
  • Frame rate: Values between 24-60 fps

You can also provide a MIME type like video/mp4 to get an MP4 video file in the response.

Call the API in the App

With the description and parameters ready, make a POST request to the /video endpoint on the Sora API using your mobile app framework’s networking client.

Pass the API key, description, and other parameters in the request body properly formatted as JSON.

Process the Response

The API will process for a bit and then return a response. It will contain a link to the generated video file when ready or an error message if something went wrong.

For a successful generation, download the video file programmatically in the app. You can then display it in a video viewer UI component or save it to the camera roll.

Handle any errors gracefully by displaying the message to inform the user. They may need to retry with an improved description.

Displaying Sora Videos in the App

Once you have video generation with Sora wired up, here are some ways you can enhance the app experience:

Preview During Processing

Show a progress indicator after calling the API to denote the generation is in progress on Sora’s end. This improves perceived performance.

Replace the progress bar with the final video automatically once its ready rather than requiring another user action.

Stylize Placeholder Content

Before calling the API, show a stylized animation or placeholder graphic with a message like “Sora is imagining your video…”

This creates anticipation and reinforces the app is powered by AI.

Cache Generated Videos

Store generated videos in persistent storage indexed by the description text. If the user requests an existing description again, return the cached video instead of generating it from scratch.

Implement a max cache size based on storage constraints. Use a priority deletion queue to delete old entries first when over quota.

Allow Description Editing

Have a screen where users can iteratively tweak the descriptive text until the output matches what they envisioned. Load the latest generated video each time changes are made.

This text editor view also saves each description variant to the cache automatically for quick re-generation later.

Use Cases of Sora Video AI

There are many potential uses cases of AI-generated video in mobile apps across industries:

Creative Tools

Designers can quickly prototype video concepts without filming anything. Animators can rough out keyframes and let Sora fill in the gaps. Video editors can create missing B-roll clips or shots difficult to capture.

Ecommerce & Marketing

Generate product demo videos from descriptions for online listings. Create video ads showcasing offerings. Simulate an event to promote when venues are unavailable to film.

Gaming & Entertainment

Game studios could automatically turn written game lore into intro cartoons. Use virtual actors and environs indistinguishable from reality. Produce music videos for songs using just the lyrics.

Journalism & Reporting

Reconstruct events as they transpired from witness statements for news reports and documentaries. Composite a realistic crime scene walkthrough from forensic descriptions.

Training & Simulation

Generate medical procedure videos for reference from textual instructions without requiring actors. Allow students to refine descriptions until resulting videos depict concepts accurately.

And many more use cases…

Limitations to Consider

While Sora marks a giant leap in AI-generated video capabilities, it still has some limitations worth keeping in mind:

Fixed Resolution and Framerate

The videos max out at a resolution of 1024×768 currently, which may be inadequate for apps desiring full HD or 4K output. Similarly, the FPS caps out at 60 – fast motion may appear choppy.

No Audio Support

The videos generated are visual-only at the moment. Any audio would have to be added separately after the fact. So applications wanting synchronized sound may need to wait.

Stylistic Artifacts

While Sora videos look very realistic, there can be occasional visual glitches with blurriness, distortions, flickering etc. These will likely improve over time with algorithmic advancements.

So evaluate output quality based on app requirements – an optional “enhance” function could mitigate minor defects.


That covers the main steps to integrate Sora’s AI video generation capability into a mobile application via its API. With Sora unlocking unlimited dynamic video content from text, the possibilities are boundless.

As the technology progresses further out of beta, overcoming limitations and adding features, it is sure to find its way into even more mobile video experiences and workflows.

So start brainstorming what ideas you can turn into reality by having an AI creative director right inside your mobile apps!


What is Sora?

Sora is an AI video generator from OpenAI that can create short videos from text descriptions. It utilizes deep learning to translate written concepts into realistic video footage.

How can I access Sora?

Sora is currently available via an API for developers. You need to apply for access through OpenAI’s website and integrate the API into your mobile apps. There is no direct consumer app for Sora yet.

What platforms support the Sora API?

The API can be used by apps on both iOS and Android mobile operating systems. As long as you can make HTTP requests and process JSON, you can connect with Sora.

What programming languages work best?

For Android, Java or Kotlin work well for making API calls. For iOS, Apple’s Swift language is recommended. The API client just needs to encode requests in JSON format.

Can I make videos longer than 60 seconds?

No, currently Sora video generations are limited to 60 seconds in length or less. This may be expanded in the future as the technology evolves.

Can Sora generate videos with audio?

Not at this time. The videos only contain synthesized video streams without sound. Any audio or music would need to be added in post-production.

How good is the video quality?

The videos are currently 1024×768 resolution at 60 fps, so not full HD or 4K. Quality is realistic though there may be minor artifacts in some cases. Output should continually improve with advancements.

Is there a size limit for the text description?

There is no hard limit, but extremely long descriptions may fail to generate or produce suboptimal results. Try to be concise yet detailed in the description text.

Do I need to visualize the whole video or just describe the start?

You need to describe enough key moments and transitions for Sora to feasibly interpolate the entire duration. List critical scenes, locations, actions etc. that must occur.

Can I edit the generated videos?

Yes, Sora outputs standard video file formats like MP4 which you can download and edit within traditional video editing software if you wish.

Does Sora follow any content guidelines?

As with all OpenAI products, it avoids generating overly explicit, harmful, or biased content. Descriptions that violate its content policy may result in errors or generic output.

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