What is Claude 2? How to access this ChatGPT competitor?

Claude 2 is an AI chatbot created by Anthropic, an AI safety startup based in San Francisco. It is designed to be helpful, harmless, and honest through a technique called Constitutional AI. Claude 2 is considered a competitor to ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular conversational AI system.

How Claude 2 Works?

Like ChatGPT, Claude 2 is powered by a large language model that has been trained on massive amounts of text data from the internet. This allows it to generate human-like conversational responses on a wide range of topics.

However, Claude 2 has been specifically trained to avoid potential harms through Constitutional AI. This involves setting clear constraints on the model’s behavior during training, so that it aligns with Anthropic’s values. For example, Claude 2 is designed to refuse inappropriate requests, admit when it doesn’t know something, and provide citations for factual claims.

The goal is to create an AI assistant that is helpful, harmless, and honest. Claude 2 aims to have more consistent performance, avoid false claims, and minimise potential misuse compared to unconstrained conversational models like ChatGPT.

Features of Claude 2

Some key features of Claude 2 include:

  • Natural language conversations – Claude 2 can engage in free-form dialogue and answer follow-up questions.
  • Knowledgeable – Its training enables it to converse about a wide variety of topics and current events.
  • Creative – It can generate poems, stories, code, and other creative text outputs.
  • Friendly personality – The chatbot aims to have a warm, friendly tone.
  • Avoids potential harmsClaude 2 rejects harmful, unethical, dangerous, or illegal requests.
  • Cites sources – When making factual claims, Claude 2 tries to provide citations from reliable sources.
  • Admits limitations – The chatbot lets users know when it does not have enough knowledge to answer a question.
  • Consistent performanceClaude 2 is designed to avoid the inconsistent or nonsensical outputs that large language models can sometimes produce.

How to Access Claude 2

Claude 2 is currently available in a limited beta test mode. Access is being gradually expanded over time.

There are a few ways to get access:

Join the waitlist

You can join a waitlist on Anthropic’s website to get notified when you can create an account. Put in your email address and you’ll be alerted when you can sign up.

Get an invite

Anthropic is allowing some beta testers to invite a limited number of friends. If you know someone who is already using Claude 2, you can ask them for an invite code to create your account.

Apply for API access

Developers can apply on Anthropic’s website to get API access to Claude 2 for building applications and integrations. The API provides capabilities like sending Claude 2 a prompt and receiving the response.

Sign up as a researcher

If you are an academic researcher, you may be able to get access by signing up on Anthropic’s website. The company is allowing select researchers to experiment with Claude 2.

Pricing for Claude 2

During the beta testing period, Claude 2 is free to use. Anthropic has not yet announced pricing plans for when the chatbot reaches general availability.

It is expected that Claude 2 will have a tiered pricing model, similar to ChatGPT. This may involve:

  • A free tier with limited usage per month
  • A paid subscription for individuals wanting more extensive access
  • Pricing plans for enterprise customers and developers building applications

The actual pricing details are still to be determined. Anthropic will likely aim to be competitive with other AI assistants on the market.

Limitations of Claude 2

While Claude 2 demonstrates significant advances, the chatbot still has some limitations:

  • As a newly developed system, its knowledge is not as extensive as older models like ChatGPT. Its ability to answer questions on niche topics may be more limited.
  • The constraints imposed by Constitutional AI mean Claude 2 may sometimes fail to answer questions that depend on generating speculative or hypothetical scenarios.
  • There is still a risk Claude 2 will occasionally generate incorrect information, especially for emerging or rapidly changing events. Fact-checking is still advised.
  • Claude 2 is not a perfect solution to AI safety concerns. Its constraints do minimally reduce certain risks, but it may enable new, unanticipated issues to arise. Responsible AI development involves ongoing vigilance.

The Future of Responsible AI Assistants

Claude 2 represents early progress in developing AI systems that provide useful assistance while aligning with human values. But further advances in responsible AI are still needed:

  • More advanced techniques to ensure models adhere to ethical principles in complex real-world situations.
  • Transparency around model limitations so users understand when an AI assistant is operating outside its capabilities.
  • Enabling users to efficiently correct model errors and provide feedback to improve performance.
  • Openly grappling with hard ethical tradeoffs instead of simply constraining model behaviors.
  • Advancing AI safety research to address risks that emerge as models become more powerful and capable over time.

The launch of Claude 2 pushes forward the frontier of responsible AI. But human judgement, ongoing oversight, and further technical breakthroughs are still essential to steer these technologies toward benefit rather than harm.


Claude 2 is an emerging conversational AI chatbot that aims to provide helpful information while avoiding the pitfalls of large uncontrolled language models. With Constitutional AI training, it is designed to be trustworthy and minimise potential harms.

Access is currently limited but expected to expand over 2023 as Claude 2 moves beyond beta testing. Pricing details remain uncertain but will likely involve free tiers and paid subscriptions. Claude 2 marks an evolution in responsible AI that minimizes risks while still providing useful capabilities.


What is Constitutional AI?

Constitutional AI involves training AI systems like Claude 2 with clear constraints and principles to shape their behavior. Like a constitution for a country, it establishes the ground rules the AI must follow. This aims to make the systems more beneficial, ethical, and safe.

How does Claude 2 compare to ChatGPT?

Claude 2 and ChatGPT are both large language model chatbots. But Claude 2 is designed to be more helpful, honest, and harmless through its Constitutional AI approach. For example, Claude 2 tries to avoid false information and dangerous advice that ChatGPT can sometimes provide.

Is Claude 2 always right?

No. While Claude 2 strives for accuracy, its knowledge has limitations. Users should apply critical thinking and fact check the information it provides, especially for emerging topics. No AI system is perfect or omniscient.

What stops Claude 2 from being misused?

Its training enables Claude 2 to reject inappropriate, dangerous, and unethical requests that users make. But no technical solution can prevent all misuse. Responsible AI development is an ongoing process that requires vigilance from both developers and users.

What are the risks of AI assistants like Claude 2?

Potential risks include generating harmful advice, perpetuating biases, spreading misinformation unchecked, enabling mass surveillance, and threatening human autonomy. Responsible innovation seeks to minimize these risks, but risks can never be entirely eliminated. We must monitor and manage them responsibly.

How can I provide feedback to improve Claude 2?

During the beta testing period, Anthropic is gathering user feedback to further develop Claude 2’s capabilities and safety. Users can submit bug reports and suggestions through Anthropic’s website to help Claude 2’s training continue to advance responsibly.

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